
Sometimes you don’t want output at all to your screen, there are times when I’m writing a function that prints something to the screen, the ideal thing (at least for me) is to use return instead of print() of course, but let’s say that you don’t have another option and when it comes to Unit Testing it becomes annoying. How can we suppress STDOUT?

Redirecting STDOUT

We’re writing a simple script that greets someone:

def salute(name):
    """Says hi to someone."""
    print('Hi, {}!'.format(name))

Let’s run this code shall we? We’ll import it and use the function salute(name):

>>> from say_hi import salute
>>> salute('Anne')
Hi, Anne!

It works great. Now, to suppress the output of salute(name) we’re going to redirect sys.stdout into a StringIO to capture any text output:

# remember to import io and sys
import io
import sys

def salute(name):
    """Says hi to someone."""
    print('Hi, {}!'.format(name))

# create a text trap and redirect stdout
text_trap = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = text_trap

# execute our now mute function

# now restore stdout function
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

If we execute this python code, no output will be displayed. This is useful when we are Unit Testing and we want to suppress print() output. If we want to check the captured test we can do this with .getvalue():

-- SNIP --

# getting trapped print
print('Captured text:')


Captured text:
Hi, Anne!

Unit Testing print()

If we have a module that prints something to the screen instead of returning a value, we can test that print() string with the method above. First, let’s remove everything from our previous code, leaving only our salute method:

def salute(name):
    """Says hi to someone."""
    print('Hi, {}!'.format(name))

Using the code above, what we want to do is to test if the method salute(name) always prints a greeting in the following format: Hi, __name__! (keep in mind that the function print() always insert a new line, or \n, at the end)

Let’s setup our Unit Test:

import unittest
from say_hi import salute

class TestSayHi(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for say_hi.py"""

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = 'Anne'

    def test_salute(self):
        self.assertEqual(salute(self.name), 'Hi, Anne!\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

When we execute our code we obtain the following error:

$ python test_say_hi.py
Hi, Anne!
FAIL: test_salute (__main__.TestSayHi)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_say_hi.py", line 12, in test_salute
    self.assertEqual(salute(self.name), 'Hi, Anne!\n')
AssertionError: None != 'Hi, Anne!\n'

Ran 1 test in 0.000s

Why our assertion didn’t work here? salute('Anne') returns 'Hi, Anne!\n', right? It doesn’t. Print doesn’t return anything actually, it just prints something to the screen (to put it mildly), but it doesn’t returns a string.

But with our previous technique we can capture the string and store it in a value so we can compare our print string:

import sys
import unittest
import io
from say_hi import salute

class TestSayHi(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for say_hi.py"""

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = 'Anne'

    def test_salute(self):
        """Test print in salute()."""
        # create a trap
        text_trap = io.StringIO()
        sys.stdout = text_trap


        # restore stdout
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        self.assertEqual(text_trap.getvalue(), 'Hi, Anne!\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Inspecting test_salute() we redirect our print to our text_trap, and after restoring stdout to its original functionality we can compare the value of text_trap.getvalue() with our expected output: 'Hi, Anne!\n':

Ran 1 test in 0.000s


And it works correctly, we can now compare our print value with an unit test, plus it doesn’t print anything in our tests.


There’s a much nicer and safer way to do this instead of rewriting stdout, we can use a Context Manager temporarily redirect sys.stdout without touching it.

import io
from contextlib import redirect_stdout

def salute(name):
    """Says hi to someone."""
    print('Hi, {}!'.format(name))

# set a trap and redirect stdout
trap = io.StringIO()
with redirect_stdout(trap):

# getting redirected output
captured_stdout = trap.getvalue()

And if we’re going to test salute(name):

import io
import unittest
from say_hi import salute
from contextlib import redirect_stdout

class TestSayHi(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for say_hi.py"""

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = 'Anne'

    def test_salute(self):
        """Test print in salute()."""
        # create a trap
        text_trap = io.StringIO()
        with redirect_stdout(text_trap):
        self.assertEqual(text_trap.getvalue(), 'Hi, Anne!\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is a much safer and cleaner approach, have fun!